The Ultimate Diver's Paradise: Exploring Gili Island's Best Dive Sites

The Ultimate Diver's Paradise: Exploring Gili Island's Best Dive Sites

Welcome to the tropical paradise of Gili Islands! Turquoise waters, white sandy beaches, and a laid-back atmosphere make it the perfect getaway for any backpacker. You’ll find this place perfect for your next adventure.

Dive enthusiasts are drawn to Gili Island for its stunning dive sites, calm conditions, and crystal-clear waters that cater to divers of all levels. Marine life is abundant, and the highlight of diving around the Gili Islands is undoubtedly the turtles. Green and hawksbill turtles are frequently seen, and reef sharks, barracuda, tuna, and trevally also make an appearance. Schools of reef fish ranging from sweetlips, pufferfish, angelfish, lionfish, batfish, and yellow snappers, along with a variety of smaller critters make the waters their home. For macro lovers and underwater photographers, Gili Island has no shortage of interesting creatures.
Trawangan Dive Center

Most important you need a good dive school. I went diving with Trawang Dive Center - they were expectionally amazing and I can highly recommend. They offer three dives a day - so you can simply dive as much as you want and pay when you check-out. Check it out on - I'd appreciate if you booked through my affiliated link. I will receive a small commission that helps me provide this content :) thanks <3

Luxury Option: If you are travelling as a couple and are looking for the perfect hideaway. Check out Gili Treehouse - Staff & Rooms are amazing and the area is a bit quiter.

Here are our top eight dive sites that are not to be missed during your visit to Gili Island:

Shark Point

Located on the west of Gili Trawangan, Shark Point is a sloping reef that offers a diverse range of marine life for divers to explore. In the shallow parts of the reef, you can often spot green turtles feeding on seagrass or resting on the sandy bottom. As you descend deeper, you may encounter reef sharks and angelfish cruising through the mid-section of the reef. Look out for schools of barracudas, snappers, pufferfish, butterflyfish, and numerous critters hiding among the coral formations. The visibility at Shark Point is typically around 15-20 meters, which makes it an ideal location for underwater photography.

Turtle Heaven

As the name suggests, Turtle Heaven is one of the best dive sites in Gili Islands to see sea turtles. Divers are almost guaranteed to spot these gentle creatures, and it's not uncommon to see them swimming in groups or resting on the seabed. In addition to turtles, divers can also expect to see a variety of other marine life such as reef sharks, moray eels, and schools of brightly colored fish.

The dive site consists of a series of coral-covered ridges that descend to a maximum depth of around 18 meters. The ridges are separated by sandy patches, which offer a great opportunity to spot camouflaged creatures such as octopuses and scorpionfish. The coral formations at Turtle Heaven are also particularly impressive, with vibrant colors and intricate patterns that are sure to impress even the most seasoned divers.

Manta Point

Manta Point is a must-visit dive site for any diver who wants to see manta rays up close. These graceful creatures are regular visitors to the site, and divers can often see them gliding through the water with their wingspan of up to 7 meters. In addition to manta rays, divers can also expect to see a variety of reef fish such as snappers, groupers, and angelfish.

The dive site consists of a series of coral-covered ridges that slope gently down to around 18 meters. The ridges are separated by sandy patches, which offer a great opportunity to spot small marine life such as seahorses and pipefish. The coral formations at Manta Point are also particularly impressive, with vibrant colors and intricate patterns that are sure to impress even the most seasoned divers.

Deep Turbo

Deep Turbo is one of the most challenging dive sites in Gili Islands, but also one of the most rewarding. The site is located on the edge of the deep ocean and features strong currents that attract large schools of fish. Divers can expect to see reef sharks, tuna, and even the occasional hammerhead shark. The site is also home to a variety of smaller marine life such as nudibranchs and crustaceans.

The dive site descends to a maximum depth of around 30 meters, and it is important for divers to be experienced and comfortable with deep diving and strong currents. However, for those who are up for the challenge, the marine life encounters at Deep Turbo are truly unforgettable.

Bounty Wreck

Bounty Wreck is one of the most popular dive sites in the Gili Islands, and for a good reason. This 30-meter steel hulled shipwreck sank in 2011 and has since become an artificial reef, providing shelter and habitat for an array of marine life. The Bounty Wreck is now covered in coral growth, including sponges, soft corals, and hard corals, making it a haven for a variety of fish and critters. As you descend onto the wreck, you are greeted by schools of snappers and batfish, which are commonly seen darting in and out of the nooks and crannies. Juvenile reef sharks are also known to be spotted here, gliding gracefully through the water.

Exploring the wreck's structure can be an exciting experience as you navigate through its rooms and passageways, revealing a variety of critters such as nudibranchs, cuttlefish, and octopus. The wreck also offers some unique photo opportunities, with the rusted metal and coral growth creating an interesting contrast of colors and textures.

One of the most remarkable things about diving at the Bounty Wreck is the sense of history and mystery that surrounds it. As you explore the ship's remains, you can't help but wonder about its past and the events that led to its sinking. Overall, the Bounty Wreck is a must-visit dive site for both wreck enthusiasts and marine life lovers, offering a unique and unforgettable experience.

Hann's Reef

Hann's Reef, located off the coast of Gili Air, is a popular dive site known for macro photography and muck diving. The site is home to an abundance of fascinating critters, making it a haven for underwater photographers. Divers can spot a variety of unusual marine life, including frogfish, leaf scorpionfish, mantis shrimps, and ribbon eels. The site is also home to schools of fusiliers, trevally, and batfish, providing a colorful backdrop for macro photography.

The maximum depth of the site is around 18 meters, making it suitable for all levels of divers, including novice divers and those who are new to muck diving. Hann's Reef is an excellent site for divers who want to learn more about the smaller creatures that live in the ocean and is a great way to hone your underwater photography skills. The site is also perfect for night diving, providing a unique opportunity to observe the marine life that comes out at night, including crustaceans and cephalopods.

Meno Wall

Meno Wall, located off the west coast of Gili Meno, is a stunning dive site that offers an excellent opportunity for night diving. The site is a steep wall covered in hard and soft corals, sea fans, and sponges, making it an ideal habitat for a range of marine creatures. The site is also home to an array of crustaceans, such as coral crabs, sponge crabs, and slipper lobsters, which can be seen scurrying along the reef. During the dive, you can also spot schools of snappers, fusiliers, and batfish. However, the highlight of the Meno Wall is the sleeping parrotfish in their spit bubbles, a unique sight to witness. At night, the wall comes alive with nocturnal creatures such as moray eels, octopuses, and crustaceans, making it an exciting site for night diving enthusiasts. With a maximum depth of around 20 meters, Meno Wall is suitable for all levels of divers.

Simon's Reef

Simon's Reef is a vibrant dive site located to the north of Gili Meno, featuring a series of sea mounts covered in an array of hard and soft corals. The coral gardens are home to a diverse range of marine life, including barrel sponges, gorgonian sea fans, and a variety of reef fish such as parrotfish, butterflyfish, and angelfish. During the dive, you can expect to see schools of fusiliers and groupers, and occasionally eagle rays and turtles. The deeper sections of the site offer the opportunity to spot moray eels, nudibranchs, and cuttlefish. The currents at Simon's Reef attract larger pelagics like barracudas, tunas, and sharks, making it an exciting dive site for advanced divers. The stunning visibility here can reach up to 20 meters, allowing for excellent opportunities for underwater photography. Simon's Reef is a must-visit dive site for anyone looking for an adventurous and breathtaking dive experience in the Gili Islands.


In conclusion, the Gili Islands offer some of the best dive sites in Indonesia, catering to divers of all levels. From shallow sloping reefs to deep sea mounts, there is something for everyone. The abundant marine life, calm conditions, and crystal-clear waters make the Gili Islands the perfect destination for diving enthusiasts. Whether you are looking to spot turtles, sharks, or capture macro photography, the Gili Islands have it all. Don't forget to add these top eight dive sites to your itinerary and experience the best diving that Indonesia has to offer.


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